Loves dancing! Loves online shopping too =) But drowned in the hectic-ness of reality.


The girl is a child at heart & will always be. Shy, so shy on stage. Yet the passion burns to conquer the stage.



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Precious days

> What is Belly Dance all about?
> The Long Cardigan
> The Mis-Take on Stage
> Bellydance Costume

Lost Memories

> September 2007
> October 2007

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The Long Cardigan
Saturday, September 15, 2007

I dont know why long cardigans are in rage now.
At least not until I came across this! soooooo preeeeetttty *loves*

And then it always got me thinking, who sets the fashion trend?
Top Designers?
Actually....celebrities play a big role too!
Just like the preeetty cardigan above, trully inspired by Lindsay Lohan.
So to be up-to-fashion-date, keep an eye on celebrities! =)


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The Mis-Take on Stage
Monday, September 10, 2007

A glitch of misstake on stage takes the skill to cover up.
Nevertheless, each performance feels different.
The audience makes a whole lot of difference!
Do you know the pain of a dancer?
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Bellydance Costume
Sunday, September 2, 2007

The urge for a new hot sexy red chilli costume; letting go the simple & pretty gold costume.

It's up for auction at my ebay list. roll over the picture to link to the page directly.

I'm loving the hot pink costume my dance mate loan me this evening. So glam, so good for the figure. Ever thought how it feels like to be a belly dancer? Good, good, elegant, pretty & confident! So fun yea? =)
Feels good to be a girl. A woman in the making!
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